Ugh. I do. And it still never is quite right.
Thus, in an effort to catch everyone (i.e., Rachel) up on my current Tanzanian events (my one, semi-realistic 2011 resolution), I now present you with my life in PHOTOS... the latest, anyway... with a few full-blog-worthy exceptions... and with minimal captions. Sorry. I am, after all, a word-monster.
My Last Day Teaching at Amka before Christmas break: I made them the Alphabet necklaces, and they helped me "decorate" the Shape & Number tree!
Christmas Eve: Play ("A Trip to New York City," written by the teenage girls), Carols and Gifts from the volunteers at Tuleeni Orphanage!
Christmas Day: Brought other Moshi orphans out to Glacier with friends for some holiday food and fun!
I will follow you anywhere!