Blog Description

the lowdown before, during, and after Sarah Yale's volunteer venture abroad

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back in Action

I didn't realize how much I missed my kids at Cypress until I walked back into that classroom yesterday. Gosh, they're so beautiful and bright and hilarious.

In short, since I've returned, we've rolled out a donated piece of rug Mrs. P acquired (gray and stained, but still infinitely more cozy, I suppose) in my Library Corner, and hung up all the kids illustrations for Shel Silverstein's "Eight Balloons," making the back half of the classroom far less morose. I also got a lecture from some of the other teachers about why some of the students are acting out in certain ways (such as suddenly laughing like Damien at the top of their lungs) -- "They're meth babies." Oh, my god. Meanwhile, Israel drew a picture of me as "Superwoman," complete with a pink cape, so I'm feeling pretty fierce. This attitude became significantly more important when I had to address the fact that one of my students pooped his pants in dance class today. So yeah, bring on Term 2. I love 1st grade.

1 comment:

  1. Fierce you are!

    -A kid pooping their pants during dance class...CLASSIC!
