Blog Description

the lowdown before, during, and after Sarah Yale's volunteer venture abroad

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Less than a week to go!

No, seriously. I leave on Thursday. Thus it is time for some quick updates!

First of all, I haven’t packed a thing. Not one thing. I have, however, picked up my malaria pills at Walgreens and bought half a dozen bottles of antibacterial lotion from my beloved Trader Joe’s.

Second, on that train of thought: my time as a crewmember at Joe’s has come to an end (for now, haha). I’ve never had or seen a nicer send-off, honestly. From the sunshine cake to the over-the-intercom goodbye and the hundreds of bear hugs and charitable words I received over the course of my last week… I really could not feel more loved and lucky. I know this will surprise everyone who shops there regularly (profound sarcasm), but I believe my TJ coworkers are unsurpassed in thoughtfulness (and wits, looks, and general hilarity, too, of course). Thanks to each and every one of you gorgeous people.

Reader Poll: What on earth am I going to do with all my Hawaiian t-shirts? I’m considering sewing them all together into one colorful, breathable, and machine-washable safari tent.

Third, I received my official volunteer work assignment for my first three months in Africa! Hooray! This blogger is now the newest volunteer teacher at Step Up Nursery School in Moshi, Tanzania. The mission of the Nursery School (which is run out of one woman’s home) is to instruct children who come from families living below the poverty line to read, write, and count in preparation for primary school. From the looks of it, my role will be to plan and help out with fun educational activities to get beautiful kiddos excited about school. So… it’s basically my dream job. I could not be more thrilled.

More on all of this later, my friends! ‘Til then, tutaonana!

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